Page 132 - Computer Software Application TP - Volume 1
P. 132


           6  INDEXING –
           CREATE INDEX idx email ON users(email);
           7  TESTING –
           -- Test Stored Procedure

           CALL GetBooksByAuthor(‘Author 1’);
           -- Test Trigger (Assuming you have a ‘borrowed books’ table)
           INSERT INTO borrowed books (user id, book id) VALUES (1, 1);
           -- Test Cursor
           CALL DisplayBooksAndQuantities();

           -- Test Indexing
           SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ‘’;
           1  How would you call the InsertUser stored procedure to add a new user with the username “nsti” and email
              “” to the database?
           2   Explain the purpose of the before insert user trigger. How does it modify the incoming data before insertion into
              the users table?

           3   What does the DisplayUsers procedure do, and how would you execute it to see the details of all users in the
              users table?
           4  Describe the purpose of the idx username index on the users table. How does it improve query performance?

 CITS : IT & ITES - Computer Software Application - Exercise 36   CITS : IT & ITES - Computer Software Application - Exercise 36
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