Page 261 - CTS - CSA TP - Volume 2
P. 261


           TASK 2:  While loops in Python for Printing those numbers divisible by either 5 or 7 within 1 to
                   limit using a while loop

           # Take user input to set the limit for the loop
           limit = int(input(“Enter the Limit: “))
           # Initialize a variable i with the value 1
           i = 1

           # The loop will continue as long as i is less than the specified limit
           whilei< limit:
           # Check if the current value of i is divisible by 5 or 7
               ifi % 5 == 0 or i % 7 == 0:

           # Print the current value of i, followed by a space instead of a newline
           print(i, end=’ ‘)
           # Increment the value of i by 1 in each iteration
           •  limit = int(input(“Enter the Limit: “)): Takes user input to set the upper limit for the loop. The int() function is used
              to convert the input to an integer.
           •  i = 1: Initializes a variable i with the value 1.
           •  whilei< limit:: The while loop continues as long as i is less than the specified limit.

           •  if i % 5 == 0 or i % 7 == 0:: Checks whether the current value of i is divisible by 5 or 7. The % operator
              calculates the remainder after division.
           •  print(i, end=’ ‘): If the condition in the if statement is true, it prints the current value of i, followed by a space
              instead of a newline.
           •  i += 1: Increments the value of i by 1 in each iteration of the loop.
           The loop iterates through the numbers from 1 to the specified limit, and for each number, it checks if it is divisible
           by 5 or 7. If the condition is true, it prints the number. The loop continues until i reaches the specified limit.

           TASK 3:  Write a program for the sum of squares of the first n natural numbers using a while loop
           # Python program example to show the use of while loop

           # Take user input to set the limit for the loop
           n = int(input(“Enter the limit: “))
           # Initializing summation and a counter for iteration
           summation = 0
           c = 1

                              CITS : IT & ITES - Computer Software Application - Exercise 126
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