Page 47 - CTS - Dress Making - TP - Volume - 1
P. 47


           Creating a Rounded Rectangle
           After drawing a rectangle, optionally corners can be rounded. All corners can be rounded at once or choose
           the corners to be rounded. Corners can be slightly rounded to create a softening effect or very rounded, almost
           changing the rectangle into a circle.

           To round the corners of a rectangle:
           1   In the toolbox, select the Shape Tool icon from the Shape Tool layout or press F10 key.
           2   Select the rectangle to round. Four black nodes will appear around the rectangle.

           Creating ellipses
           1   To draw an ellipse (also known as an oval), select the Ellipse tool in the toolbox. The mouse pointer changes
              to a crosshair with a small ellipse beneath it.
           2   Click on anywhere in the drawing area and drag the mouse pointer.
           3   Release the mouse button when the desired end of the ellipse is reached.


                                        CITS : Apparel - Dress Making  - Exercise 6
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