Page 29 - CTS - Dress Making - TP - Volume - 1
P. 29
Practice Dart Tools
Objectives : At the end of this exercise, you shall be able to:
• open a dart
• create a multi darts
• close a dart
• remove a dart.
• Computer with software for Pattern
Making (Latest Version) - 1 No.
TASK 1: Open a dart
1 Open the Bodice Block Front pattern that saved in the file menu of PATTERN CAD.
2 Create a point ‘P’ at the mid level of the shoulder. (Fig 1)
Note: select the point where the fullness starts (the point where the slashing will begin).
3 Select Open Dart from the Darts menu.
4 Enter the amount of fullness to add in the dialog box. Enter Distance = 1 & Angle = 2.1.
Depth of dark=10
5 Click OK. (Fig 2)
Fig 1 Fig 2
TASK 2: Create multi darts
1 Open a Bodice Block Front pattern.
2 Click and drag to the points A to B (Neck curve) on the pattern, where the multi darts are to be created. (Fig 1)
3 Select Open Multiple Dart from the Darts Menu or Darts Toolbar.
4 Enter the desired multiple dart information in the dialog box. (Fig.6). Enter no. of Dart = 3, Width of First and
last dart = 0.5 Cms., Depth of First and last dart = 4 Cms., and angle = 0.
5 Click O.K. (Fig 2)
Note: The darts will be created on the first and last selected points. If more than 2 darts are created,
they will be equally distributed between the points.
CITS : Apparel - Dress Making - Exercise 8 - 29