Page 13 - Electrician - TT (Volume 1)
P. 13
Table of Contents Page No.
Module 1: Safety Practices
01 - 04 Safety rules - safety signs 1
Module 2: Basic Electrical Circuits
05 - 12 Ohm’s law, series & parallel, kirchhoff’s law, wheatstone bridge, condutors
insulators wire joints soldering 23
Module 3: Heating Effect,Cells and Batteries
13 - 19 Chemical effects faraday law of electrolysis,heating joulet low cells & batteries 47
Module 4: Electrical Wiring Practice, Earthing
20 - 25 National codes, common electrical acccessories , types of wiring earthing 74
Module 5: Magnetism, AC Circuits
26 - 29 Terminology used in magnetic circuit,faraday’s laws of magnetism 135
Module 6: DC Generator and DC Motor
30 - 37 DC Generator Principle - parts - types - function e.m.f equations, charactrics
of D.C 178
Module 7: Electrical Power, Power Factor &
Electrical Energy
38 - 40 Work, power, energy & power factor 224
Module 8: Transformer Connection and Testing
41 - 49 Transformer - principle - classfication - EMF equation 230
Module 9: Electrical Meters and Calibration
50 - 53 Transformer - principle - classfication - EMF equation 263
Module 10: IIllumination, Connection of Electrical
54 - 59 Illumination terms - law’s 311