Page 206 - Mechanic Diesel - TT
P. 206
Other chemicals released during recycling
While the focus of this document is on the release of lead, there are a number of other hazardous chemicals that
can be released during recycling. In addition to the lead terminals and plates, batteries contain various plastics or
hard rubber (ebonite) and the sulfuric acid electrolyte solution. The lead components may contain other elements
such as arsenic, antimony, barium and cadmium. These substances may form part of the waste and emissions
generated at various stages of the recycling process. The rubber and plastic components may be burned rather
than recycled, producing toxic gases, including Sulphur dioxide, chlorine, dioxins and dibenzofurans.
Advantages of slow charging. Advantages of solidification
of electrolyte by adding salicylic acid or introducing
absorbed glass mat (AGM) - VRLA batteries Electrolyte-
definition, percentage of sulphuric acid and water effects
of improper ratio of acid and water on battery life
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• describe Advantages of slow charging Advantages of solidification of electrolyte by adding salicylic
• explain introducing absorbed glass mat (AGM) - VRLA batteries Electrolytedefinition
• explain percentage of sulphuric acid and water effects of improper ratio of acid and water on battery life.
Advantage of Slow Charging
1 Improved Battery Lifespan: Slow charging helps maintain the health of your battery by reducing stress and
wear on the cells.
2 Minimized Heat Generation: Slow charging generates less heat, which can reduce the risk of overheating
and damage.
3 Enhanced Safety: With slow charging, there is less chance of overcharging or short-circuit,
4 Consistent Performance: Slow charging is a more stable charging process, which can help maintain your
device’s performance over time.
5 Low Energy Consumption: Slow charging results in less energy consumption, which contributes to energy
efficiency and reduces your carbon.
6 Compatibility: Slow charging is compatible with a wide range of devices and chargers, does not require high-
power charging technology.
7 Cost-Effectiveness: Slow charging doesn’t require a special charger, so it can be a good choice to charge
your devices.
8 Less Strain on Electrical Infrastructure: Slow charging puts less pressure on the electrical grid and
infrastructure than fast charging.
9 Prevention of Battery Degradation: By charging slowly, you minimize the degradation of your battery’s
capacity and overall performance.
10 Optimal Charging: Slow charging is a more controlled and accurate charging process, allowing your battery
to reach its optimal charge level without overloading it.
11 Reduced Risk of Battery Swelling: Slow charging reduces the risk of battery swelling, a common problem
with lithium-ion batteries.
12 Improved Charging Efficiency: Slower charging can be more efficient in terms of transferring energy to the
13 Flexibility: With slow charging, you are not tied to time constraints, allowing greater flexibility.
CITS : Automotive - Mechanic Diesel - Lesson 57 - 61 CITS : Automotive - Mechanic Diesel - Lesson 57 - 61