Page 47 - Mechanic Diesel - TT
P. 47


           2  Bank: The application of computers has brought a revolution in the banking sector. Most of the time-consuming
              tasks of banks today are; Such as online banking, withdrawing money through ATM, paying cheque, counting
              rupees etc. are possible only through computers.
           3  Communication: The use of computers has made the use of Internet possible in the field of communication.
              Modern communication system cannot even be imagined in the absence of computers. Telephone and Internet
              have given birth to a communication revolution. Computers are also used in fiber optics communication.
           4  Health: In the field of medicine, computers are used to detect various physical diseases. Analysis and diagnosis
              of diseases is also possible through computers. In the modern era, computers are being used extensively in
              various tests like X-ray, CT scan, ultrasound etc.

           5  Air-lines and Railway Reservation: Reservations for going from one place to another by air and rail are
              made through computers and through computers we can also get information about the scheduled time sitting
              at home.

           6  Entertainment:  In  the  field  of  entertainment,  computers  are  often  used  in  the  form  of  movies,  television
              programs, video games etc. The use of multimedia has made the computer multidimensional.
           7  Administration: Every institute has its own internal administration and administrative work is done through
              computers only.
           8  Security:  Without  computers,  our  security  system  will  become  completely  weak.  Computers  are  used  in
              tracking aircraft, air strikes etc.
           9  Computers are used maximum in commerce shops, banks, insurance and credit companies etc. It has become
              impossible for the financial world to work without computers.

           10 Science and Engineering: Computers are used to perform difficult mathematical and scientific calculations.
              Apart from this, computers also help in storing various types of records, accounts, books or magazines in the

           11 Industry: Many industrial institutions like steel chemical and oil companies etc. are dependent on computers.
              Computers have also been used for actual control of plant processes.
           •  Computer features

           The main features of computer are as follows
           1   Speed: Computer performs millions of calculations in one second. At present, computers can do calculations
              even in Nano seconds or Pico seconds.

           2   Error-free work (Accuracy): Computer displays the results of even the most difficult questions without any
              Even if any error is found during calculations, it is due to human errors in the program or data.
           3   Storage Capacity: Computer can store a huge amount of information in its memory. In this, the capacity of
              storing data and programs depends on the capacity of the hard disk.
           4   Various: Types of work can be accomplished with the help of versatile computers. Modern computers have
              the ability to perform different types of tasks simultaneously.
           5   Secrecy: The working of computer can be made confidential by using password.
           6   Diligence: Being a machine, the computer is not affected by the external environment. It can do any work
              millions and millions of times without stopping.
           7   Automatic: Computer is an automatic machine, in which the possibility of human intervention during calculation
              is negligible. Instructions for the computer to work are given by humans only.

           8   Reliability: The memory power and accuracy of the computer is of very high order, hence all the activities in
              it or related to it are reliable.


                                   CITS : Automotive - Mechanic Diesel - Lesson 01 - 04
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