Page 15 - Computer Software Application TP - Volume 1
P. 15

Ex. No.                              Table of Contents                                   Page No.

               55            Demonstrateon Creating and deleting a file, Reading and writing text
                             files, working with directories in PHP, checking for existence of file,
                             determining file size, opening a file for writing, reading, or appending,    269
                             Writing Data to the file Reading characters

               56            Work With Forms - Super global variables the server array A script to
                             acquire user input, importing user input Accessing user input, Combine
                             HTML and PHP code., using hidden fields                                    283
               57            Demonstrate redirecting the user, File upload and scripts.                 291
               58            Demonstrate Regular Expressions - The basic regular expressions, PCRE,
                             Matching patterns, Finding matches, Replace patterns, Modifiers, Breakup
                             Strings.                                                                   294

               59            Demonstrate working with Classes And Objects - Creating an object,
                             Object properties, Object methods, Object constructors and destructors.    311
               60            Perform class constants, Class inheritance Abstract classes and methods,
                             Object serialization, checking for class and method, existence, Exceptions,
                             Iterators                                                                  315
               61            Creating and using Functions
               62            Using Java Script with Forms
                            Module 5: Advanced Excel

               63            Protect sheet using password                                               345
               64            Use flash fill techniques                                                  353

               65            Perform Goal Seek, Solver & Scenarios on Data                              358
               66            Use different types of cell references                                     380

               67            Use R1C1 notation                                                          388
               68            Use array formula                                                          397

               69            Audit excel formula                                                        405
               70            Create and modify simple macros                                            414

               71            Perform form controls and create simple data entry form with macros        425

               72            Look up data by using functions                                            433
               73            Use advanced date functions                                                438

               74            Demonstrate advanced charts                                                444
               75            Demonstrate pivot tables                                                   455

               76            Demonstrate a power query, power query function. Invoking the power
                             query function and combining queries. Organize the workbook queries        473

               77            Demonstrate Power BI for simple data visualizations                        499

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