Page 44 - Electronic Mechanic - TP - Volume - 2
P. 44
MODULE 14: Smartphones app tester and SD card
installation procedure
EXERCISE 127 : Perform network connections, SD Card
Interactions and Bluetooth testing
At the end of this exercise you shall be able to:
• Performing Network Connections, SD Card Interactions, and Bluetooth Testing is to demonstrate proficiency
in setting up and managing network connections, interacting with SD cards, and testing Bluetooth functionality
• Testing network connections, SD card interactions, and Bluetooth functionality in software development. These
areas play crucial roles in ensuring robust and reliable performance for various devices and applications.
• Network Connections • Software Tools
• SD Card Interactions • Bluetooth Devices
• Bluetooth • Bluetooth Tester
• Network Testing Tool • Range Testing
• Monitoring Agents • Data Transfer Testing
• Collect Performance Data • Security Testing
• SD Card Reader/Writer • Compatibility Testing
• Computer or Device
Performing network connections, SD card interactions, and Bluetooth testing. These are essential aspects of
ensuring the robustness and reliability of various devices. I’ll break down each topic for you
Network Connections Testing:
Network Loopback Testing: This involves setting up an endpoint that allows network loopback testing across
Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth networks. It’s particularly useful for diagnosing, troubleshooting, and load testing
network ports on a PC.
Verify that network ports are functioning correctly.
Ensure network ports remain stable under prolonged load.
Hardware Needed:
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (4GB): A single-board computer that serves as the testing platform.
Raspberry Pi 15.3W USB-C Power Supply: Provides power to the Raspberry Pi.
Micro SD Card Reader: Required for setting up the Raspberry Pi with the necessary software.
Software Needed:
Network Loopback Tester Software: Works in conjunction with BurnInTest software to facilitate end-to-end
testing of network links with bulk data over an extended period.
Testing Steps:
Prepare the Raspberry Pi device for testing.
Test Ethernet ports and Wi-Fi function