Page 229 - Mechanic Diesel - TT
P. 229


                                                           MODULE 10 :Charging System

           LESSON 67 - 70: Study about Charging system and its


           At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
           •  explain about charging System
           •  locate different components of charging system.

           Introduction: A charging circuit provides electrical energy to operate electrical devices in an automobile. When
           the engine is in motion, the charging circuit converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. This energy is
           required to operate the loads in the vehicle’s electrical system, such as horns, lights, indicators etc.
           This is achieved by the charging circuit used in GA energy vehicles. The charging circuit includes battery, dynamo
           and alternator. In addition to the charging circuit, a starter circuit is also used in automobiles to start an engine that
           is unable to start itself (internal combustion engine).
           Self-starter, starter motor or solenoid switch is used in the starter circuit for this purpose. This chapter deals with
           the functionality of battery, dynamo and alternator along with starting circuit, self-starter, solenoid switch keeping
           in mind the utility of charging and starter motor circuits.
           Components of charging system:

           Electricity is required for the useful operation of automotive vehicles. In the charging circuit, the battery is connected
           to the ammeter, the ammeter to the control box terminal (B), the control box terminal (A) and D, the generator
           output terminal and the control box terminal to the field coil terminal of the dynamo. Dynamo, control box and
           battery are earthed. To regulate the power supply, the main devices required to maintain the level of charging in
           the charging circuit are as follows:

           Batteries are a group of cells, which are an important accessory in the automobile sector. Various devices requiring
           electricity used in vehicles thereby; Like- self-starter, meters, indicators and gauges etc. are operated.
           Additionally, various activities while driving a motor vehicle; For example, the battery is also used in lighting the
           lights of motorcycles, playing the horn and running the wind screen wiper.

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