Page 41 - Mechanic Diesel - TT
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responsible for implementing the new legislation. New regulations affect the distribution of medical waste by
medical professionals into their proper receptacles.
Fig 26
Fig 27
In India, though there are a number of different disposal methods, the situation is desultory and most are harmful
rather than helpful. If body fluids are present, the material needs to be incinerated or put into an autoclave.
Although this is the proper method, most medical facilities fail to follow the regulations. It is often found that
biomedical waste is dumped into the ocean, where it eventually washes up on shore, or in landfills due to improper
sorting or negligence when in the medical facility. Improper disposal can lead to many diseases in animals as
well as humans. For example, animals, such as cows in Pondicherry, India, are consuming the infected waste
and eventually, these infections can be transported to humans who consume their meat or milk. Large number of
unregistered clinics and institutions also generate bio-medical waste which is not controlled.
Due to the competition to improve quality and so as to get accreditation from agencies like ISO, NABH, JCI, many
private organizations have initiated proper bio-medical waste disposal but still the gap is huge.
Many studies took place in Gujarat, India regarding the knowledge of workers in facilities such as hospitals,
nursing homes, or home health. It was found that 26% of doctors and 43% of paramedical staff were unaware of
the risks related to biomedical wastes. After extensively looking at the different facilities, many were undeveloped
in the area regarding biomedical waste. The rules and regulations in India work with The Bio-medical Waste
(Management and Handling) Rules from 1998, yet a large number of health care facilities were found to be sorting
the waste incorrectly.
The latest guidelines for segregation of bio-medical waste recommend the following color coding:
• Red Bag - Syringes (without needles), soiled gloves, catheters, IV tubes etc. should be all disposed of in a red
colored bag, which will later be incinerated.
CITS : Automotive - Mechanic Diesel - Lesson 01 - 04