Page 19 - Cosmetology_TP
P. 19
MODULE 2 : Dermatology of Skin Analysis
EXERCISE 2 : Demonstrate Skin Analysis
At the end of this exercise, you will be able to:
• skin analysis
• filling of record card and consent form
• using of different skin testing gadgets skin tester, derma scope etc.
Analyze the skin with skin testing gadgets and recognize skin disorder
Introduction: Skin testing devices have revolutionized the field of dermatology by providing non-invasive and
efficient ways to analyze the skin and identify various skin disorders. Human skin acts as a dynamic interface
between the body and the external environment, making it vulnerable to a wide variety of conditions and disorders.
Traditional methods of skin examination often involve visual inspection and manual palpation, which may not
always reveal subtle or early signs of skin disorders. However, the advent of advanced skin testing equipment has
allowed dermatologists to delve deeper into the skin’s layers, providing a more comprehensive understanding of
its condition.
This analysis explores the importance of skin testing devices in dermatology, focusing on their abilities in
recognizing various skin disorders. Ranging from handheld devices to advanced imaging technologies, these
gadgets play a vital role in increasing diagnostic accuracy and guiding personalized treatment plans for individuals
with skin concerns.
Demonstrate Skin Analysis: Skin analysis involves a comprehensive assessment of the skin’s condition, texture,
tone, hydration levels and any existing abnormalities or disorders. This can be done using a variety of techniques
and equipment, including visual inspection, digital imaging, and specialized equipment.
Filling of record card and consent form
• Skin analysis record card
Patient Information: Fill in the patient’s name, date of birth, gender, contact number, email, and address. Medical
History:Document any relevant medical history, including previous skin conditions or disorders, allergies, and
current medications.