Page 43 - CTS - Dress Making - TP - Volume - 1
P. 43
16 Create Curve points 10 in the mid level of 6-7. Move the points 10 with the help of move point tool and make
smooth front neck curve. (Fig.5)
17 Go to menu and select view and click Rulers.
18 Pick the selection tool and click on the horizontal ruler and drag the mouse down wards without releasing the
mouse button for getting guide line.
19 Align the guide line ‘X’ on the point 5.
20 Get another guide line ‘Y’ which in vertical direction and align it at point 9.
21 Mark the curve point 11 with a distance of 2 cms. from point 9 on the line 9-5.
22 Shape the Front armhole with the help of move point tool.
23 Shape the curve inside the guide line X with the curve depth of 2 cms. inside. (Fig 6)
24 Select the guide lines X and Y with help of the selection tool and press del.
25 Select Text Tool and Type the name and other pattern particulars. (Fig 7).
Fig 6 Fig 7
26 Add seam allowance 1 cm each at the neck curve and shoulder. Add 1.5 Cms. as seam allowance at the arm-
hole and side seam for overlock and 4cms. at the bot- tom as hem allowance. (Ref. S.S.No.1 of Ex.No.1.15).
27 Open the pattern in the fold line. (Ref. S.S.No.2 of Ex.No.1.15). (Fig 8).
28 Save the file in the proper folder.
Fig 8
TASK 2: Create pattern for a ‘T’ Shirt Back
1 Open the saved ‘T’ Shirt back pattern in Task 1.
2 Delete the point 7.
3 Create Curve points 12 in the mid level of 6-8 and Move the points 12 with the help of move point tool and
make smooth back neck curve. (Fig 1).
4 Go to menu and select view and click Rulers.
CITS : Apparel - Dress Making - Exercise 8 - 29