Page 45 - CTS - Dress Making - TP - Volume - 1
P. 45


           TASK 3: Create pattern for a ‘T’ Shirt Sleeve.

           1   Create a Rectangle of 21 cms,. length (Sleeve length) and 20 Cms. width (Armhole length).
           2   Mark points 1,2,3 & 4. (Fig 1).
            Fig 1

           3  Mark point 5 from point 1 with the distance of 4 cms (Crown height).
           4  Mark point 6 from point 3 with the distance of 14 Cms. (Half of Sleeve opening).
           5  Delete points 1 & 2. (Fig 2).
           6  Mark curve point 7 at the mid level of 4-5. (Fig 3)

              Fig 2                                         Fig 3

           7  Move curve point 7 and make 4-5 as smooth curve.
           8  Also mark curve point 8 near point 5 at the distance of 3 cms. (Fig 4).

           9  Move point 8 and make a smooth curve. (Fig 5).

              Fig 4                                         Fig 5

           10 Open the pattern in the fold line. (Fig 6).
           11 Select the cut tool and select the line 3-4 (Fig 7).
           12 Select the selection tool. Click the top part of the sleeve and drag. (Fig 8).
           13 Identify the bottom portion as Back part of the sleeve and top portion will be Front.
           14 Select the top portion of the sleeve.

           15 Move the point 8 and modify the front armhole curve. (Fig 9).
           16 Select “Join the pieces tools”.
           17 Select the point 4 at the bottom portion and also click the point 4 of the top portion to join.(Fig 10).
           18 Pick the “Trace tool” and select all the lines of the top and bottom portion of the sleeve.


                                      CITS : Apparel - Dress Making  - Exercise 8 - 29
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