Page 283 - CITS - Electrician - Trade Practical
P. 283
EXERCISE 103 : Demonstrate Care & Maintenance of
Domestic appliances
At the end of this exercise you shall be able to:
• list out the general care and maintenance for domestic appliance
• list out the specific care and maintenance for domestic appliance.
1 Measure and verify the appliance is operated at specified voltage level.
2 Clean the appliance
3 Remove dust and dirt.
4 Do not overload the appliance.
5 Explain the consequence of using the appliance continuously more than the time mentioned my manufacturer.
6 Check for proper ventilation for the domestic appliances
7 Explain the need not to pull the power cable to remove the electric connection
8 Verify the earth connections inside and outside the appliance.
9 Verify the service and maintenance log
Inverter - UPS
1 Check the level of electrolyte in Battey of inverter / UPS
2 Demonstrate to Discharge the capacitors using power resistors or test lamps before handling
3 Switch off the inverter before connecting the battery.
4 Test the battery using battery tester in charged conditions to prevent back up issues
5 Demonstrate and under rated MCB of lesser causing trip for inrush charging current
6 leads of battery / battery bank should never be short circuited
7 demonstrate and adhere to lift handling guidelines
8 wear protection / insulation gloves during electrolyte preparation
9 apply petroleum jelly to the battery terminals to prevent corrosion
10 Keep battery always charged
Heating appliances
1 Mount with clearances as in instruction manual with easy access
2 Ensure the heat consuming load is always available
3 Demonstrate the Testing of the thermostat setting.
4 Tighten the terminal connection to avoid loose due to heat
5 Verify the use heat insulators for electrical insulation
6 Ensure proper ventilation to avoid any CO suffocation
7 Demonstrate the replacing of self-sacrificing corrosion preventing rods in regular intervals