Page 17 - Electrician - TT (Volume 2)
P. 17


           The first two colour bands indicate the first two digits in the numeric value of resistance.  The third colour band
           indicates the multiplier. The first two digits are multiplied by the multiplier to obtain the actual resistance value.
           The forth colour band indicates the tolerance in percentage.

           Resistance value : If the colour band on a resistor are in the order- Red, Violet, Orange and Gold, then the value
           of the resistor is 27,000 ohms with +5% tolerance.

                                       First      Second      Third      Fourth
                                       colour     colour      colour     colour
                                       Red        Violet      Orange     Gold
                                       2          7           1000(10 )   ±5%

           Tolerance value: The fourth band (tolerance) indicates the resistance range within which is the actual value falls.
           In the above example, the tolerance is ±5%. ±5% of 27000 is 1350 ohms.  Therefore, the value of the resistor
           is any value between 25650 ohms and 28350 ohms.  The resistors with lower value of tolerance (precision) are
           costlier than normal value of resistors.
           For less than ten ohms, the third band will be either golden or silver.
           The colours are,
                  Gold -  10-1   =      1/10 = 0.1
                  Silver -  10-2   =    1/100 = 0.01
           Example (Refer Fig 9)
              Fig 9

                        Colour of             Colour of                Colour of
                        1st Band              2nd Band                 3rd Band
                        Orange                White                    Gold
                        3                     9                        1/10
           thus, the value of resistor is 39/10 or 3.9 ohms.
           Large value resistances are expressed in kilo ohms and megohms.  Letter ‘k’  stands for kilo and M stands for
           mega.  One kilo equals 1000 (103) and one mega equals 1000000 (106).  The resistance values are expressed

           1000 ohms             =         1 k
           1800 ohms             =         1k 8
           100 ohms              =         0.1 k
           10000 ohms            =         0.1 M
           1500000 ohms          =         1 M 5.


                                    CITS : Power - Electrician & Wireman - Lesson 60-69
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