Page 27 - Mechanic Diesel - TT
P. 27


           The P2 program task force has 5 main goals

           1  create feasible P2 objectives and corresponding time frames
           2   provide training to the individuals involved in the effort
           3   oversee the program’s main tasks and measure progress
           4   evaluate the progress of the effort

           5   maintain the program’s goals long term
           A Voluntary approach: Voluntary approaches to P2 are on the rise. Governmental organization often collaborates
           with businesses and regulatory agencies to create a structure of guidelines. There are four types of voluntary
           approach programs:
           1  Public voluntary programs,
           2  Negotiated agreements,
           3  Unilateral commitments, and

           4  Private agreements.
           Environmental authorities collaborate and create specific guidelines. Companies are then invited to follow these
           procedures on a strictly voluntary basis.

           Negotiated agreements are created through collaboration between public authorities and industry authorities. The
           agreement establishes bargains that are beneficial to the industry.
           Unilateral commitments are established by industry authorities alone, and the guidelines they set are self-regulated.
           Private  agreements  are  established  between  “polluters”  and  other  affected  parties. The  regulations  set  forth
           create a compromise regarding a variety of pollution regulation strategies. (Fig 12)

                     Fig 12

           There are a few keys to a successful voluntary approach. First, the program needs a dependable source of funding
           (from the government, usually). The program also needs a dynamic relationship with the targeted industries. This
           creates a base of trust between all involved in the agreement. In terms of regulation, the program should be
           monitored by a reliable source. In order to assure that the program will establish itself long term, there should be
           visible benefits to the participants and obvious results to the greater community. The long-term establishment of
           the program also comes from setting attainable goals to measure progress.


                                   CITS : Automotive - Mechanic Diesel - Lesson 01 - 04
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