Page 14 - CTS - CSA TP - Volume 2
P. 14
Ex. No. Table of Contents Page No.
110 Create abstract classes and methods. 163
111 Create interfaces in JAVA. 168
112 Override methods in JAVA. 173
113 Create and implement an interface. 177
114 Extend interfaces in JAVA. 180
115 Create and use a package in JAVA. 184
116 Create a simple container using Frame class and extending another
Frame class. 188
117 Create a container with a few controls. 198
118 Create a container with controls with action listeners and event handlers. 204
119 Create a GUI to draw different plane shapes over a predefined area. 209
Module 7: Programming Language (Python)
120 Install, set up the environment & run Python. 217
121 Use Command Line and IDE to create and execute a python program. 221
122 Write and test a python program to demonstrate print statement, comments,
different types of variables. 226
123 Write and test a python program to perform data and data type operations,
string operations, date, input and output, output formatting and operators. 230
124 Determine the sequence of execution based on operator precedence. 236
125 Construct and analyze code segments that use branching statements. 239
126 Construct and analyze code segments that perform iteration. 245
127 Document code segments using comments and documentation strings. 251
128 Write program in python using list, tuples, dictionaries and files. 254
129 Write a python program depicting argument passing and using tuples,
dictionaries arguments. 267
130 Write a python program for importing a module. 270
131 Use exception handling in python program. 273
132 Write a python program to use built in functions i.e. chr, cmp, compile, dir, eval,
filter, hash, input, len, locals, long, max, pow, range, slice, tuple, Unicode, vars. 277
133 Write a python program to read and write into a file. 286
134 Write a python program depicting argument passing and using tuples,
dictionaries as arguments. 290
135 Construct and analyze code segments that include List comprehensions,
tuple, set and Dictionary comprehensions. 292
136 Perform basic operations using built-in modules. 297
137 Solve complex computing problems by using built-in modules. 301