Page 108 - CITS - Fitter - Trade Theory
P. 108


           LESSON 15:  Introduction To Gauges


           At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
           •  define the gauge and its types and uses of different types of gauges
           •  state the safety precaution while using it
           •  state the ball and roller gauge and their uses and application.
           Different types of Gauge and application

           •  Introduction of CNC lathe and operations

           Definition of Gauge
           Gauges are used to measure different types of objects having various sizes, shapes, and thicknesses, the gap
           in space, diameter of materials, or pressure of the flow. Specific types of gauges are used to measure each
           Uses: -
           They are generally considered as fixed-type or deviation-type instruments. Fixed-type gauges are designed to
              showcase if a given dimension is larger or smaller than the standard. They are usually made of soft steel, hard
              steel, or glass. To prevent rub-down, fixed-type gauges are chrome-plated or tungsten-carbide coated. Now
              let us know more about the various types of gauges.

           Material is carbon structural steel, Spring Steel.
           Types of gauge
           -  Plug gauge.
           -  Ring gauge.
           -  Taper gauge.

           -  Snap gauge.
           -  Feeler gauge.
           -  Thread gauge.

           Screw pitch gauge: -
           A screw pitch gauge is used to determine the pitch of a thread. It is also used to compare the profile of threads
           Some screw pitch gauge sets will have blades provided for checking British Standards threads (BSW, BSF etc.)
           at one end and the metric standard at the other end. The thread profile on each blade is cut for about 25 mm to
           30 mm. The pitch of the blade is stamped on each blade. The standard and range of the pitches are marked on
           the case.


 CITS : CG & M - Fitter - Lesson 14
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