Page 19 - Mechanic Diesel - TT
P. 19
Check sheets are simple forms with certain formats that can aid the user to record data in a firm systematically.
Data are “collected and tabulated” on the check sheet to record the frequency of specific events during data
collection period. They prepare a “consistent, effective, and economical approach” that can be applied in the
auditing of quality assurance for reviewing and to follow the steps in a particular process. Also, they help the user
to arrange the data for the utilization later (Montgomery, 2009; Omachonu and Ross, 2004). The main advantages
of check sheets are to be very easily to apply and understand, and it can make a clear picture of the situation
and condition of the organization. They are efficient and powerful tools to identify frequently problems, but they
don’t have effective ability to analyze the quality problem into the workplace. The check sheets are in several,
three major types are such as Defect-location check sheets; tally check sheets, and; defect-cause check sheets
(Kerzner, 2009). Fig 2 is depicted a tally check sheet that can be used for collecting data during production
Check sheet (Tally) for telephone interruptions
Histogram is very useful tool to describe a sense of the frequency distribution of observed values of a variable. It
is a type of bar chart that visualizes both attribute and variable data of a product or process, also assists users to
show the distribution of data and the amount of variation with in a process. It displays the different measures of
central tendency (mean, mode, and average). It should be designed properly for those working into the operation
process can easily utilize and understand them. Also, a histogram can be applied to investigate and identify the
under lying distribution of the variable being explored (Omachonu and Ross, 2004; Forbes and Ahmed, 2011).
Fig 3 illustrates a histogram of the frequency of defects in a manufacturing process.
Fig 3
Pareto analysis
It introduced by an Italian economist, named Vilfredo Pareto, who worked with in come and other unequal
distribution since 19thcentury, he noticed that 80% of the wealth was owned by only 20% of the population. later,
CITS : Automotive - Mechanic Diesel - Lesson 01 - 04