Page 213 - CITS - Fashion Design Technology - Trade Theory
P. 213
Stain removal
Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you shall be able to explain
• stain removal
• solvents used in stain removal.
Stain removal is the process of removing a mark or spot left by one substance on a specific surface like a fabric. A
solvent or detergent is generally used to conduct stain removal and many of these are available over the counter.
Most stains are removed by dissolving them with a solvent. The solvent to use is dependent on two factors: the
agent that is causing the stain, and the material that has been stained. Different solvents will dissolve different
stains, and the application of some solvents is limited by the fact that they not only dissolve the stain, but also
dissolve the material that is stained as well.
These are some of the solvents that can be used for stains, with some examples of the stains that they are
capable of removing:
Oxidizing solvents
• Household bleach
• Hydrogen peroxide
• Sodium perchlorate
Reducing solvents
Sodium hydro sulphite and sodium hypochlorite are normally used for removing stain and dyes colors.
Surfactants (detergents) can be used for stain removal. They can help to emulsify compounds that are not usually
soluble in water. For example, if you put oil in water, they tend to stay separated. If you put oil, detergent, and
water together and shake them up, then you get a mixture that can help to remove stains.
Lemon juice, containing citric acid which is the active bleaching agent, can effectively remove stains. Its action
can be accelerated by exposing the stain to sunlight, or some other UV source, while soaking.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you shall be able to explain
• types of garment packing.
Packing of garments is done as per the requirement and choice of buyer. There are various types of garment
packing used in apparel industry.
Types of Garment Packing in the Finishing Section
Stand-Up Pack
This type of packing is commonly used for shirts and hence termed ‘shirt packing’. For this type of packing, the
garments have to be pressed prior to packing and are packed with additional packing materials like tissue paper,
back support, pins or clips, inner collar patty, outer patty, etc.
Flat Pack
In this packing method, the garments are pressed and folded well as like in a stand-up pack, however with fewer
additional packing materials. It is generally normally used for ladies’ garments and has a flat surface. The size of
the folding is based on the garment style and specifications of the buyer. The common sizes of the flat packs are
8″ × 10″ and 10″ × 12″.
CITS : Apparel - Fashion Design Technology - Lesson 25