Page 202 - CITS - Welder - Trade Theory
P. 202


           Background current - This is set lower than peak cur-rent and is the bottom current the pulse will drop to, but
           must be enough to keep the arc alive.

           Pulses per second - This is the number of times per second that weld current reaches peak current.
           %  on Time - This is the pulse peak duration as a percent-age of the total time, which controls how long the peak
           current is on for before dropping to the background cur-rent.

           The pulse and base current periods are also controllable.
           When welding is done with pulsing welding mode the weld is in principle a row of spot welds overlapping to a
           larger or smaller extent depending on the welding speed.

           Many double-current machines are equipped with a control function which makes it possible to modify the curve
           of the alternating current in balance between the positive and the negative semi-periods
           Application of pulse welding

           Pulse TIG welding is most commonly used to weld thin sections of stainless steel, non-ferrous metals such as
           aluminium, magnesium and copper alloys.

           Different types of weld joint, plates & pipe. Advantage

           of root pass welding of pipe by TIG welding

           Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
           •  describe the filler metals types for TIG welding
           •   explain the filler metal specification for GTAW
           •   explain the TIG welding helium gas.

           Types of welding joints by TIG welding
           There are five basic joint designs mentioned below.

           1  Butt joint
           2  Lap joint
           3  corner joint
           4  T joint (Fillet joint)
           5  Edge joint

           The Fig 1 below shows, filler T joint welded in flat position, When the weld axis and weld face are horizontal.

              Fig 1


                                         CITS : C G & M - Welder - Lesson 61-76
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